The 19 Days of Scarves
February 2013 has 19 school days. I have 19 scarves. Why not wear one each day? Sounds like fun to me! So, that is what I have been doing.
My students have enjoyed it too. As you can see from the photos, many of my girls have
My orange scarf was silk-painted by my German host mom! |
worn scarves to school.
I let me students come up with interview questions to ask me about my scarves on the Friday primary school news program. They also decorated the numbers that I held up each day with my daily scarf. They were always
This Eddie Bauer scarf was from a friend who knew I love Eddie Bauer. |
I love how this scarf matches my sweater so well! |
interested in the stories behind the scarves. It has really made February much more fun. I have not wanted to miss a single day of February.
Honestly, February is usually my least favorite month of the school year. It is cold and dark and feels so long. This year, February has flown by!
So, where did all my scarves come from? Most were gifts from friends. Some I bought myself. Grandma's butterfly scarf was a gift from me to her and then I got it back when she died. Mom's pink scarf that she loaned me was one I bought for her in the town of Two Harbors one summer.
My giraffe scarf by my giraffe collection at school. |
This cheerful scarf is from a good friend. |
I wore this scarf for conferences. |
This butterfly scarf belonged to my Grandma Alber. |
The orange silk-painted scarf and the black one I wore for conferences were both from Germany (from 1996). I felt so "European" in those scarves back then. I'm glad America jumped on the fashion bandwagon for wearing scarves! I love that some of my scarves are from different countries: Germany, Thailand, London, and Spain. A scarf is a perfect gift or souvenir!
Thanks to my mom for lending me her pretty scarf! |
I've gotten scarves from LuAnn, Julie, Angie, Stephanie, my sister Kimberly, and my student Lacey.
I bought myself the cute giraffe scarf and the flowery one from the General Store. My friend Janet made one of the scarves from some pretty material she bought. Ah, to be that artistic!
Enjoy the photos on this blog. I'll post the last four days next week. You have a few days left to join me - wear a scarf!
This warm scarf was perfect on a COLD day! |
This music note scarf is from one of my former students! |
The General Store in Minnetonka is where I got this scarf! |
My friend Angie got me this scarf in London. |
Angie also got me this scarf.... in Spain! |
My sister Kimberly got me this scarf in Thailand! |
The kids had a great time making the numbers for my scarves! |
This cheerful purple scarf is from my friend Stephanie |
This happy yellow scarf reminds me that Spring is nearly here! |
I got this warm, cuddly scarf while shopping with a friend. |
This scarf is also from Germany. |
My last scarf is a beautiful one made by my friend Janet. |