Saturday, September 17, 2011

I don't want to fit You in my pocket

Small by J.J. and David Heller.....
Cardboard cutouts on the floor
People wish that You were more like what they wanted You to be
Eventually they won't have much of You at all in their theology
The walls are closing in on You
You cannot be contained at all
I don't want to make You small
I don't want to fit You in my pocket
A cross around my throat
'Cause You are brighter than the sun
You're closer than the tiny thoughts I have of You
But I could never fathom You at all

Broken moldings all around
Broken people hit the ground
When they discover that You're not here for our benefit
You love in spite of us
You use the least of us to prove the strong aren't really strong at all

Do you ever have a song that just hits you right where you are?  A song that touches you and makes you stop and ponder and dig down deep?  I currently have two favorite artists:  Sara Groves and J.J. Heller.  Both have beautiful voices.  Both have a folksy sound.  Both use intriguing instrumentation.  Both have deep, insightful lyrics.  When I get a new CD by one of them, my favorite thing to do is lie down in a quiet room and turn the CD on loud enough to hear each word they sing......and soak it all in.  When Dad turns his music up loud he calls it "enjoying the 'presence' of the music".  I think I understand what he means.  I was recently enjoying a new J.J. Heller CD and the lyrics written above touched me.  The words made me think about how God is so amazingly, fabulously, incredibly BIG and how I often only give Him credit for being small.  Often to me, He is small enough to "fit in my pocket" and be just a small part of my day.  I can take Him out of my pocket when I want Him involved.  Honestly, I don't expect Him to do great things in my day-to-day life.  I don't expect Him to fix my problems or make major changes in my life.  But, I truly DO believe He could.  I believe He could do anything.  I love the story in the Bible of a fight that is going on and one of the warriors pleads with God to stop the sun from moving (so he could complete the battle and have victory) and God did!  I love the story that Beth Moore shares about her childhood and her aunt.  Her aunt asked Beth to "dream big" when thinking about what she might want for her birthday .  Beth thought about it and decided she wanted an elephant to ride to school each morning.  Of course the aunt couldn't grant her that wish.... but she loved being asked!  God loves when we ask for big things too.  He loves that we believe He can do big things.  He loves to see our faith soar on our belief in His bigness.  The song above reminded me of that.  We have a very big God!  I want to think big and I want to see God at work in every detail of my life.  I want to sit in awe of Him and all that He is.... He is brighter than the sun and closer than the tiny thoughts I have of Him.  I love that we serve such a good God who cares so deeply for His children.

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