Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fancy Fitness

Is that really David?  Yup!  When David and I were little we used to love to go downstairs into the music/ exercise room and have our "Fancy Fitness" time.  We had stations set up around the room and we would go to each station for an alloted amount of time.  We must have used a timer, although I can't remember that detail for sure.  I do remember some of the great stations we had.  Our favorite was running across the stage, bouncing on the trampoline, and then landing on the old bed mattress that was laying on the floor.  THAT WAS FUN!  We also had a station that incorporated my "Get In Shape Girl" long pink ribbon.  We did figure eights and other fancy moves with that ribbon.  David is showing us in this photo how we used the rowing machine to work our arms.  We used the antique exercise bike you see in the background too.  We did jumping jacks and pushups.  We had great tunes playing in the background (probably Raffi or old 50s rock and roll).  We took breaks to run upstairs and get drinks of water.  But, this was serious business, we worked hard and it was fun!  Ah, if only exercise were that fun as an adult!  I enjoy going for my walks or riding my bike and that feeling of knowing I'm doing something good for my body.  Who doesn't want positive endorphins rushing to her brain during/after a workout?  But, somehow getting in that workout each day is no longer on my list of "fun" things to do.  Maybe I should start calling my workouts "Fancy Fitness?!!??!!"
Gotta love the trampoline!

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