Monday, April 11, 2011

I Love Second Grade!

Mrs. Sapp and Kelsey
     I love teaching 7 and 8 year olds because they have such great personalities - they are able to think fairly deeply about things and they understand humor.  I absolutely LOVE seeing their sparkle in their eyes when they are learning or singing or just plain happy.
     Second graders are to the point where they are figuring out what is polite to say or not say.  They are figuring out how to be a good friend and what makes someone a good sport.  I enjoy helping them in that process.
     As a second grade teacher I can help my students learn to LOVE reading.  I can help them figure out important math procedures that they will need the rest of their lives.  I can instill in them a love for writing.  I can encourage them in their speak-ups and classroom participation.  I can help mold them as people and members of society.
     As a second grade teacher I can put on plays with my students performing with memorized lines.  I can do art projects with them that help them express who they are.  I can teach them things about the world and they have real empathy for the plights of others.
     When reading together we can have excellent discussions about things beyond the text.  Students have had enough life experiences by second grade to connect their own lives to the lives of the characters in the book.  Seeing students make connections is fun!
     Second graders are creative.  They have awesome ideas!  Leaders really come out strong in second grade.  The students become more independent from their teacher and more willing to listen to their peers.  It takes training, but they learn how to truly listen to one another.
     Second graders are great helpers.  I enjoy teaching them how to help each other.  What a thrill to see them "teaching" others using myself and my style as a model and example to them.
     Second graders want nonfiction information, in addition to stories.  They want to learn.  They soak up what I teach them.  Togeher we can discover and explore great things!
     I taught third grade for one year and I know from experience that third grade is a big adjustment for the former second graders.  As a second grade teacher, I strive to help my kiddos be READY for third grade.  We work on being sure homework is in on time.  We work on knowing our math facts inside and out so everyone is ready for the faster pace of math.  We write, write, write to help us with all the writing expectations for the fall.  I love being the prepare-er!
    I love teaching second grade because of who second graders ARE.  I feel a bond with my students.  I connect with them.  It is a deep bond.  They trust me.  They know I love them.  I have proven to them that I respect them and care about their lives.  They love me.  Each year I know there is a reason I have my particular students in my class - it is so I can reach out to them and have a relationship with each particular child.  Those kids need someone like me for their second grade teacher.  I would like to teach second grade for another 20 years.  Sincerely, Jennifer Sapp
Class of 2013!

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